
Simple Telecommunications Ltd - Lift Emergency Telephone Lines
Simple Telecommunications Ltd - Lift Emergency Telephone Lines

Buy a UK Cloud Geographic Inbound Number

Cloud UK numbering in every UK area code,

Simple Telecoms offer quality-focused cloud UK numbering in every UK area code, along with a wide range of UK non-geographic numbers; allowing us to provide suitable numbers for all your customers by a simple divert to an underline landline number ,or direct IP to IP SIP termination, or username and password.

Customers like to buy locally

Using a cloud based UK geographic business number your business can appear to be local, from almost anywhere in the UK.  We have number ranges in over 600 cities in the UK, and our dedicated Number Porting Desk are on-hand to manage the often challenging process of number porting. We can port numbers from over 30 telecommunications providers, including hundreds of their resellers.

Memorable Cloud bussiness numbers

UK Gold telephone numbers

Build and strengthen your business identity with a complete inbound solution and a brilliant memorable business number. We have a big selection of memorable numbers across the UK for you to choose from, many of which are ready to go live within 48 hours of your order.

Business Freephone number charges*

Starting October 1st BT has sought to impose a 60 second minimum charge on calls to 080 Freephone numbers. We have rejected this proposal and, with their somewhat heavy-handed approach failing, they are threatening to refer this to Ofcom [who will determine if the change is reasonable]. If BT is successful, they are seeking to backdate the charges to October 1st – We would recommend taking this in to account when looking at running a business Freephone number.

UK Cloud based Platinum Numbers

 Platinum UK NGN 0330 Numbers

UK NGN 03301222222 - £1800

03301222222  £1800

UK NGN 03301220220 - £1000

03301220220  £1000

UK NGN 03301224224 - £1000

03301224224  £1000

UK NGN 03301225225 - £1000

03301225225  £1000

UK NGN 03301227227 - £1000

03301227227  £1000

UK NGN 03301228228 - £1000

03301228228  £1000

UK NGN 03301220000 - £1000

03301220000  £1000

UK NGN 03301224444 - £1000

03301224444  £1000

UK NGN 03301225555 - £1000

03301225555  £1000

UK NGN 03301226666 - £1000

03301226666  £1000

UK NGN 03301227777 - £1000

03301227777  £1000

UK NGN 03301228888 - £1000

03301228888  £1000

UK NGN 03301220101 - £610

03301220101  £610

UK NGN 03301222323 - £610

03301222323  £610

UK NGN 03301224545 - £610

03301224545  £610

UK NGN 03301225656 - £610

03301225656  £610

UK NGN 03301226767 - £610

03301226767  £610

UK NGN 03301227878 - £610

03301227878  £610

  Platinum UK Freephone Numbers*

UK Freephone 08000073073- £1100

08000073073 £1100

UK Freephone 08000073434 - £710

08000073434  £710

UK Freephone 08000073131 - £700

08000073131  £700

UK Freephone 08000073232 - £700

08000073232  £700

UK Freephone 08000073535 - £700

08000073535  £700

Uk Freephone 08000073636 - £700

08000073636  £700

UK Free phone 08000073737 - £700

08000073737  £700

UK Freephone 08000073838 - £700

08000073838  £700

UK Freephone 08000073939 - £700

08000073939  £700

UK Freephone 08000073111 - £300

08000073111 £300

UK Freephone 08000073222 - £300

08000073222  £300

UK Freephone 08000073444 - £300

08000073444  £300

UK Freephone 08000073555 - £300

08000073555  £300

UK Freephone 08000073666- £300

08000073666- £300

UK Freephone 08000073777 - £300

08000073777  £300

UK Freephone 08000073888 - £300

08000073888  £300

UK Freephone 08000073234- £185

08000073234 £185

UK Free phone 08000073033 - £175

08000073033  £175

 Platinum UK Geo 0208 Numbers

UK Geo 02080982222 - £1650

02081254444  £1551

UK Geo 02080982982 - £110

02080982982  £110

Uk Geo 02080982323 - £710

02080982323  £710

UK Geo 02080982020 - £700

02080982020  £700

Uk Geo 02080982121 - £700

02080982121  £700

Uk Geo 02080982424 - £700

02080982424  £700

Uk Geo 02080982525 - £700

02080982525  £700

Uk Geo 02080982626 - £700

02080982626  £700

UK Geo 02080982727 - £700

02080982727  £700

UK Geo 02080982828 - £700

02080982828  £700

UK Geo 02080982929 - £700

02080982929  £700

Uk Geo 02080982111 - £300

02080982111 - £300

Uk Geo 02080982333 - £300

02080982333  £300

Uk Geo 02080982444 - £300

02080982444  £300

Uk Geo 02080982555 - £300

02080982555  £300

Uk Geo 02080982666 - £300

02080982666  £300

Uk Geo 02080982777 - £300

02080982777  £300

Uk Geo 02080982888 - £300

02080982888  £300

 Platinum UK Geo 0203 Numbers

02030262262 £1050

02030260260  £1000

02030261261  £100

02030263263 £1000

02030264264  £1000

02030265265- £1000

02030268268  £1000

02030269269  £1000

02030260000  £1000

02030261111 £800

02030262222  £800

02030263333  £800

02030264444  £800

02030266666  £800

02030268888  £800

02030260101  £610

02030261212  £610

02030262323 £610

Free delivery
On all hardware
Secure payment
4.9 rating
Contact us
0330 122 0000